Friday, March 04, 2011

Technology ADD

Wow, it's only been three years since I last posted on this blog. Time does fly. I didn't take the time even check what the last post was, so don't expect any continuation of thought on that front.

As a matter of fact, I'm thinking that you shouldn't expect any continuation of thought from me in general...I have self-diagnosed myself with Technology ADD.

I love technology. I work with it everyday and it is actually part of my job. I am discovering though that I'm not nearly the early adopter that I thought I was and I am definitely not a "stick with it" kind of guy.

I started this blog about the time that I created our own website ( I posted here and I updated pictures and such on the website. If you had the misfortune of actually trying to go to our site, you share in my disappointment. My updates on the website dropped from daily, to weekly to bi monthly to...well, let's just say it was a while. I then took the entire site down during my "situation" this time last year and have just flat neglected to put it back up (this despite continuing to pay godaddy for the right to do so...). My Technology ADD strikes for the second time. The blog...well the fact that this is my first post in nearly three years says it all...

I skipped the entire MySpace revolution, but jumped on the Facebook bandwagon belatedly. I did mange to fall deep in to the FB addiction whether it was Farmville, Mafia Wars or Castle Age (I sincerely apologize for the tons of unwelcome "invites" to those time wasters...). I would post constantly and felt the compulsion to comment on everyone's status (or at least let them know that I "liked" it. My friend list grew and grew until it makes it nearly impossible to keep up with status updates. Then my Technology ADD kicked in. I update my status rarely (today was one of those days) and find my self farther and farther between times I even check for messages. (My apologies again to those that this inconvenienced...)

I have now fully embraced the iPad. I love its functionality and versatility. I'm hoping I can find out more about how it works and it's uses before my Tech ADD strikes again. I'll keep you updated, but I'm not sure if it will be here or not...

Friday, March 09, 2007

Time Flies (Whether You Are Having Fun Or Not!)

Amazing, isn't it. A mere 5 months ago we were a family of three. Just 15 months before that, Jill and I were just another newlywed couple trying to figure out all the annoying habits the other hid while we were dating (we are still discovering those by the way...). Now EVERYTHING has changed.

I know, I know (that my Redeemer lives...) that we were told numerous (read millions) times that children change everything, but hearing ain't believing. I am now a believer. Jill and I don't go about anything in the same way we used to. All of a sudden, routine things like dinner require extensive planning to pull off. Thankfully we have family close by that are willing to help (Thanks Joyce, Julie, John and Randy!) so we haven't actually had to find a babysitter yet, but I know that day is coming...

There is just more to life with little ones around. Anyone that has children knows this, but allow me my time to speak my truth. I thought we had laundry before. Nay-Nay! Now we have laundry. I thought we were economically stressed before. Nay-nay! Milk, formula, diapers and daycare give new meaning to deficit spending. I thought we were tired before. Nay-NAY-NAY! The Z brothers have radar that allows them to only call out, scream or otherwise interrupt only the most important sleep of the night. It may only be once, but they'll catch you where it hurts the next morning the most. I thought I was happy helping raise everyone else's children. Nay. This is the most fun I've had since my Dad bought that little Honda 80 from Bobby McNabb for me.

They are so much fun to watch. I get in trouble for my choice of words (evidently it is too close to comparing them to pets...), but I can't wait to see what new trick they will learn next! Zeke has a plethora of tricks that can liven any party. Just ask anyone that has seen him "strike a pose". His personality is sunny (unless he doesn't get his way, then a hurricane is more appropriate) and he loves just about anyone. He's learning names and is becoming much more adept at please and thank you. He even "tee-tees in the potty" before bath time most nights. What more could you ask for you ask? How about a little brother that watches your every move, thinks everything you do is a laugh riot and doesn't complain much if your loving hug turns into a vicious headlock!

It's early to tell, but I don't think Ezekiel has long before he ceases to be the big brother and is relegated to "older brother" status. As you can see above, 15 months does not a huge size difference make. We'll keep the comparison photos coming, but Zane is coming on strong in the growth department. He is working on learning to sit up on his own and can occasionally roll (when the mood strikes). He's strong (if he had any balance at all he could stand...He can support his weight already) and seems to have followed his brother's lead in the happiness department.

All of this to say, all that I've been told is true. It does go by too fast. Knowing that Zeke is a mere 7 years away from taking the TAKS test breaks my heart. Knowing that Zane is just a few months behind breaks it again. The rewards though are fantastic. Two healthy happy boys!

Thanks to all that support us and Zeke and Zane. We know that we couldn't do it without you and someday so will Zeke and Zane!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

World Awareness Starts at Home

I've spent some time in reflection this week on how much I pay attention to the "small stuff" that doesn't matter as opposed to the "small stuff" that does. We are working extremely hard at church to really reach out to people in our community and as a result, I've noticed that we can find any number of really small excuses to encourage discouragement and foster a spirit of helplessness.

We had a great idea brought forth to host a Valentines banquet for the needy in our community. Romantic dinner for the adults and pizza and games for their kids, (built in child care). We ( and I'm using a very broad brush here) started out very enthusiastic and then the little things began to take their toll. We didn't organize like we should have. We didn't look at our audience and cater specifically to them as opposed to what was convenient for us. We also allowed our thinking to move towards the old "they will be grateful and flock to us just because it's free" ideal that has consistently hurt many churches in the past.

I say all of that and it sounds like the banquet was a total bust and no one attended and all was doom and gloom. Nay, nay. We had several families show up and all those that attended enjoyed good food and fun and frivolity was had by all. Afterwards, however we slunk back into negativity about why more didn't attend and what were we going to do with all the extra, etc.

I don't know. I just see the small things dragging us down and away from the bigger picture that in order to help people, sometimes you have to be willing to be let down a little.

Enough venting for now. More on this later.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Couldn't Stand the Weather

Pardon my Stevie Ray Vaughan reference...

We've had some of the winter weather in the Waco area that has really hit other portions of the state and nation. I love Texas and I love Texans, but with the possible exception of Amarilloites (Amarilloans?) we can't handle snow, sleet or any other form of frozen precipitation.

Just a little ice and we are practically paralyzed. If we aren't overreacting we are driving at insane rates of speed.

Bonus is I got an extra day at home with Jill and the boys...Not sure I'll be so grateful when our next holiday is shortened......

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Perseverance Pays Off

After 3 1/2 years, countless late nights, hundreds of miles of driving, and more money than I can count, I officially graduated from Tarleton State University Friday night December 15th.

There are too many people to thank personally, but I'll take a decent stab at it!

  1. My wife Jill: No way I make it through all this without her love and support. Not to mention all the nights that she handled the kid(s) by herself so I could be at class or study or finish a paper.

Dr. Sharon Shields: She encouraged me to hurry up and get started on this degree. She has been a constant sounding board and has been a great help in the career decisions that I've made. (She also made sure that I got on the ball and finished out my paperwork and final project...)

Deanna and Bruce Lovesmith: Couldn't have made it through several of these classes with out them. Bruce and I beamed messages throughout one entire semester. The sanity saved alone is priceless!

Dr. Higham, Dr. Beach, Dr. Monk, and Dr. Littleton: Wouldn't have made it through the final semesters (or comps) without their willingness to go the extra mile and make sure I met my deadlines.

Dr. Monte Geren: It's amazing how much of what we covered in our Leading Edge sessions actually comes in handy!

Bonnie McRae: Thanks for helping me survive the internship and allowing me the freedom to learn on the fly!

Kelly Bray: Thanks for the notebook, the support and being a great listener when I needed to vent!

Michelle Jolliff and Jodie Fields: Troy's finest! Only down part of no more classes, is no more classes with the two of you!

My Mom and Dad: You two are the greatest ever. Thanks for the support (emotionally and financially), and thanks for not going absolutely ballistic when you found out I was riding the motorcycle back and forth to Killeen! Knowing that I can always count on you makes everything I attempt in life that much easier! Thanks for making the drive down for Graduation it meant so much to have you there!

Zeke and Zane: You two fellas make it all worthwhile. You are both fantastic!

John, Joyce, Randy and Julie: Thanks for the support that you provide by keeping my wife sane. Childcare isn't easy to find at short notice and Joyce and Julie, you have saved our bacon more times than we can count or repay!

There are hundreds of others, but that's what I have room, time, and patience to recount. I'll take my certification test in the new year and be prepared to be a "real principal" as soon as I pass the test. After that, anything can happen.

Thanks to all. Now it's just a matter of surviving this last week until Christmas break and then we'll see what happens after that.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Beginning Family Life Anew!

Well, here we go again! Our little family has expanded with the addition of Christopher Zane.

Zane was born this morning at 8:12 and weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds 10 ounces.

He looks remarkably like his older brother, but his hair is darker (without the red that Zeke had, but with some blond highlights...).

So far (6 1/2 hours into things) he does have Ezekiel's mellow temperament. He has cried little, yawned much and suckled well. (Does that qualify as TMI?)

In the TMI department, as the doctors were concluding the tubal ligation (tying the tubes for you medically non-inclined) they discovered that Jill had only one ovary. Just another testament to the blessings that Jill and I have enjoyed with our family. It's amazing that we got pregnant as easily as we did since she was only outputting eggs from one side.

She is progressing well. Still only having ice chips (which makes me a horses patoot for eating my candy and drinking my coke, but hey no sense in BOTH of us starving, right?) and hopefully will be able to get up and around some time this evening. Lord willing and no creeks rising (although the creek rising is much more possible since it started raining....) we should all be home some time Thursday. That is optimistic, but that's just the kind of people we are.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. Cards and visits have been great too! Love you all!

Chris, Jill, Zeke and Zane

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Changes on the Horizon

Well, the date is set. Lord willing and no creeks a rising....Christopher Zane should arrive October 10th. Jill's C-section has been scheduled for Tuesday the 10th at 7:30.

We sincerely appreciate all the love and support (as well as all the "are you guys crazy" comments) that we've received. We are about as ready as we can be, with the exception of Zeke being prepared to move just a little bit to the left of center in the universe. Zeke has discovered belly buttons, so we hope it proves a novel enough distraction to keep him from really noticing there is another baby in the house.

My mother will be in for about a week to help around the home as well has Jill's mom hanging close to visit with my mom and help out as well. Jill and I's work schedule is still being determined. I can't take the solid block of time off that I did with Zeke, and Jill will see how she feels in deciding how much time to spend at the Center.

In other news:
I'm not doing well at fantasy football.
I have found out who my university internship supervisor is. I now have A LOT to do this semester.
Zeke is still cutting teeth and getting really close to using several real words.
Jill has her license and is methodically working her way through all her Medicaid and insurance applications for her private practice.
I've lost 7 lbs.
Jill has lost 3.
I've not played golf in a while...which means I could probably qualify for the US Ryder Cup team...

More later.